How many times do you read and reread a caption you posted? I don\’t do it all the time, but when I really really feel what I\’ve written, I do re-read it and let the words and feelings simmer in me. If you conjure strong and powerful emotions, I like to be able to re-live that through the words. That\’s been the case with my latest unofficial/official goodbye post on Instagram. Every word is wrapped up in true and genuine sentiment and Im so thankful to be sharing those words with you. I want to be able to share them in this blog post as well, as I notice my blog followers come from other countries and islands. So below, heres what I posted, and please keep reading for some new thoughts.

Many of you that have been following my #Miami journey since the start, know that it got off to a rocky start. I never wanted to move back. I cried a lot. I was miserable. I missed NY and Miami no longer felt like home. I felt lost and disconnected, but I made a choice- I could either wallow in ‘poor me’ sentiments or make the best out of a situation that wasn’t part of my ‘plan.’ Little did I know, that coming home those seven years ago was exactly where I needed to be. I fell in love with this city in a whole different way. I grew, I cried, I laughed, I became a mother of two, and an even stronger boss woman. My kids got to call Miami home and dig their toes in the same sands and beaches I grew up going with my mom, surrounded by the flavors and passion of a vibrant city that runs strongly through my heart and soul. Sometimes the things we fear the most and least want, are the ones that will help us thrive in ways we never dreamed of. Miami- it’s not goodbye, it’s a see you later. There’s no place like Miami and today I leave with a bittersweet feeling for a city that made me into the woman that I am- that showed me love, resilience, family, respect, perseverance and so much more. A city that beat me down but helped piece parts of me back together years later and I love her for it and I’m going to miss her tremendously.
Te quiero, Miami, and this Cubanita with sazón in her veins will never forget her roots.

There is only truth to that. I have the best of both worlds. I\’m a Miami New Yorker and that will never change. Both these cities run deep in my blood and both are a big part of who I am today. I am anxious to see how this next chapter will unfold; how my second coming to New York will transpire and evolve. There are feelings of excitement, nerves, anticipation and wonder that come with this move. But as a few friends have pointed out to me, \”It\’s the age of Aquarius, Kat!\” Indeed it is. My time has come.

When I was leaving on the plane the other night, it felt surreal. I looked out the window as I was taking off, seeing the shadows of Miami behind me, and the unknown ahead, and I kept thinking to myself, \”is this really happening? am I moving?! is this a one way flight?!\” It all felt like an illusion, like I was piecing a puzzle together in my head. I closed my eyes and just let go and let the ride take its course. Life has a funny way to showing you a journey you didn\’t quite expect, and while we always talked about returning to NY at some point in our lives when it was the right time for us as a family, I really didn\’t expect it to happen, to be quite honest. I grew quite comfortable and content in our Miami life and the sacrifices we had made. But maybe \”being comfortable\” was the piece of the puzzle that just didn\’t quite fit- at least for us.
So here we are, on a new adventure. A new chapter and I\’m looking forward to see where it takes us. In the meantime, I thank you all, for your well wishes, your heartfelt messages, and your continuous support and affection. Yes, I\’m talking to you my IG family. I\’m grateful for each and every one of you!
Keep following me on this journey and to you and your fam, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

In Style,