Yesterday morning I took a zoom yoga class taught by a former colleague and friend, and as we were getting ready to do our breathing exercises, she read a passage from one of her books and it stuck with me all day. I wanted to explore it a little more and I thought that the blog would be a good place to share it. The passage talked about fear of the unknown and growing from that fear. That even though not knowing can be scary and very terrifying if you\’re someone like me who suffers from anxiety, it could also be a blessing. A blessing, how?
Instead of living in the fear of \’what ifs\’ or \’whats going to happen?\’ why not let it go, relinquish the feeling of control, and trust the universe? Just typing this makes me slightly nervous. For me, this isn\’t easy to do. While I know there\’s no point in controlling the things we can\’t control, or worrying about something that hasn\’t happened or likely won\’t, it\’s something my anxious mind does. I\’m aware of it, and because I\’m aware of it, I make a conscious effort to redirect my thinking and put things in perspective. More and more, i\’m learning to trust the universe, to Let Go and Let God, and while it isn\’t always easy, I have definitely seen growth in that area for me, especially during this pandemic. There is so much we can\’t control, and when we soon realize that, we are better able to focus on the present and learn that what we need to focus on, is the NOW.

Yes, this is something easier said than done! If we can, without restriction or fear, throw our hands up and say, \’you know what? I\’m going to trust. I don\’t know what\’s going to happen or what\’s coming or how something may turn out, but I am going to trust the universe, I\’m going to trust God to know that everything is going to work out as it should,\’ imagine just how much kinder we could be with ourselves and our sanity? Then we can take a deep breath and just live.
We are constantly evolving and changing and growing from that \’not knowing\’ and from the challenges and opportunities that we are given. 2019-2020 has been a year of \’we\’ll see what happens\’ for me and for my family and it\’s been an uncomfortable opportunity for growth because I had and still don\’t how certain things were going to play out in my life, and guess what? I learned that there is truth and peace in not knowing and literally taking things \’one day at a time.\’ When I decided to actually practice that literature, I felt more calm. Why worry myself into a vortex of despair and nervousness and then miss out on the life that im meant to live? I had to let it go and TRUST. Baby steps.

On that note, I leave you with this. How will you trust the universe? How will you let go and live in the now and be ok with the unknown? Here\’s what I promise to myself. I promise to wake up every morning thankful for the air I breathe, for my health and the health of my kids, for the joy of the mundane and living my best life, even though a part of me will be scared of not knowing and that\’s okay.
In the meantime, I\’m going to get all dolled up, slap on some red lips, and live in the NOW because life is beautiful and we can\’t waste it on things we cannot control.

In Style,